Olivia Riley-Oldham - Oxygen Skincare

The daughter takes over - meet our team


Oxygen Skincare New Zealand story

Oxygen has a daughter? Yip, thats me! 

Tricked you though... i'm not taking over the business (yet!) 

Hi i'm Liv Riley-Oldham, daughter of CEO & founder Alana Riley, Niece of Office Manager Jacqui Oldham (I got both of their last names to prove it, lucky me!) and sister of Oxygen Pup Maddison, Oh and I work here now!! 

I know what you're thinking, how on earth do I ever call in sick when my mum, who also happens to be my boss, views my 3am SnapChat stories & everything I get tagged in on Facebook? lets just say sick days don't come easy over here! 

I recently came onboard at Oxygen and have decided we need to shake things up a little over here on the blog, kind of like a personal trainer pre-summer. As a business we grow with time and so too does the story and the team behind the name. From here on out I want to bring you a fresh documentary of all the things that keep us passionate about what we do and how we do it, not to mention how Aunty Jacqui gets through daily life organising this Mother, Daughter duo. Be sure to let me know if there is anything in particular you want to see from us, live or blogged!

Alana – Founder | Chick in charge of everything | Oxygen Mum
Alana decided to embark on this Oxygen journey 7 years ago out of a passion for teenagers & the importance of confidence and self esteem in young adults. Alana is an inspirer, a dreamer and a doer, who loves taking others on her journey. If ever you see something shared twice on our Facebook page it was probably Mum having a complete mare.. apologies in advance, this is where I come in!
Alana Riley, CEO of Oxygen Skincare  Oxygen Skincare CEO Alana Riley
Jacqui – Second chick in charge of everything | Oxygen Aunty
Aunty Jacqui is our team rock, she has been here since day 1 in our garage days. Jacs makes sure our head office runs like a well oiled machine as well as keeping Mum & I on planet earth, while still letting us live in our dreams along the way! I'm making her sound like the sensible one here, but... check the picture - she's still my crazy Aunt!
Jacqui Oldham, 2IC Oxygen Skincare  
Me myself & I – Brand Manager & social media | everything out of the office chick | Oxygen Daughter
I’m the traveller, the trainer & the talker here at Oxygen! I look after our social media channels (be nice to me, I choose the giveaways!) and our website, as well as flying around NZ meeting our amazing stockists and running promotions wherever I can! If ever you have any questions pop on over to good Ol’ Facebook and hit private message – being online 24/7 comes with the job!
 Olivia Riley-Oldham, Oxygen SkincareOlivia Riley-Oldham, Oxygen Skincare Limited
Nikayla – Office assistant extraordinair | Oxygen Teen
Nik has been around the Oxygen dream since day dott, when she was still a little tott – this #oxygenmiss makes sure you receive those orders you’ve all placed online (hit shop now for more info hehe) and she makes sure Aunty Jacs is kept on her toes. Nik works for us part time while studying from the office the other part of the time!
Nikayla Warren, office assistant Oxygen Skincare Limited Oxygen Skincare Pet Puppy
Miss Maddison - Professional sleeper & eater | Oxygen Pet
Last but certainly not least, our pet pooch! Miss Maddison can generally be found snoozing on her beanbag in the sun here at head office, or sitting staring at Nikayla at her desk awaiting a walk around the block. Maddisons productivity levels are not ideal these days as she is getting old but she is always around to give our cruelty free products the seal of approval!
So here goes nothing, welcome to our story
Livvalittle X
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